Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the most accurate online english to spanish translator?

A human that actually speaks (or at least understands and writes) both languages well.

Seriously, most online machines are NOT worthy of the name "translator" because they just replace one word with another - regardless of what is meant by it.

Work is done on a machine that will to some extent "understand" ( "apertium"??) but it'll take years of work to get that workingWhat is the most accurate online english to spanish translator?
Google translations.What is the most accurate online english to spanish translator?
Why don't you use yahoo answers for help on translations, for a good online dictionary and forum discussion or use a dictionary %26amp; class notes?

because online translators are not very good at all.What is the most accurate online english to spanish translator?
None an online translotor for spanish class sucks cause the teacher knows if u did because u sound funny but gooogle i guess

1 comment:

  1. Your music is amazing. You have some very talented artists. I wish you the best of success.
    happy birthday in Spanish
