Friday, January 27, 2012

Can someone translate this from english to spanish?

someone who actually speaks spanish and knows it well. not go on some english/spanish translator on the internet and say this is how it its spelt. thank you!

don't worry about your past, everything will pass.

live your life with love, and be strong to stay above.

and remember that when everything in life gets bad,

even the longest nights come to an end.

thanks, i'm trust you it will be right cause it will be a tattoo! hahaCan someone translate this from english to spanish?
no te preocupes sobre su pasado, todo pasar谩.

vivir su vida con amor y ser fuertes para permanecer por encima.

y recuerde cuando todo en la vida obtiene malo,

incluso en las noches m谩s largas llegan a su fin.
Ok, I know you didn't ask for it but here it goes in Portuguese too( Spanish's Brother)

N茫o se preocupe com o passado, tudo vai passar. Viva sua vida com amor, e seja forte para permanecer por cima. E lembre-se que quando tudo na vida fica ruim, at茅 mesmo as noites mais longas chegam a um fim.

Now, if the Spanish translation is similar to this one, it means you can trust it 100%.Can someone translate this from english to spanish?
no se preocupe por su pasado, todo va a pasar.

vivir tu vida con amor, y ser fuerte para permanecer arriba.

y recordar que cuando todo en la vida se pone malo,

incluso las noches m谩s largas llegado a su fin.

that'll be a nice tattoo! Good luck!!Can someone translate this from english to spanish?
no te preocupes por tu pasado, todo pasara

vive tu vida con amor, y mantente arriba,

y recuerda que cuando todo en la vida esta mal

incluso la noche mas larga llega a su fin!!


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